摘錄自:5健康食物 美專家:少碰為妙
5健康食物 美專家:少碰為妙
Reduced-fat peanut butter
Enhanced water
Drinks such as Vitaminwater are essentially sugary drinks with a vitamin pill.
Energy bars
Multigrain foods
Non-fried chips and crackers
「簡單飲食」(Diet Simple)作者塔米吉(Katherine Tallmadge)在「華盛頓郵報」(Washington Post)撰文指出,所謂低脂肪、高纖維、雜糧、天然等健康食物標榜的字眼,會欺騙消費者,讓消費者誤以為購買的東西是健康的。
As a nutrition consultant, I know that words such as “low fat,” “high fiber,” “multigrain” and “natural” can fool even the most sophisticated customers into believing what they’re buying is healthful, in fact, processed food industry-funded market research indicates this.
第4種讓人混淆的「健康食物」就是「雜糧食品」。塔米吉指出,相較於雜糧麵包、雜糧麥片,「全穀類」(whole grain)的食物更能降低發生糖尿病、心臟病和罹癌的機率;食用類似全麥、全糙米之類的「全穀類」食物,反而是較好的選擇。
Multigrain foods
Multigrain breads, crackers and cereals are often the most confusing foods. People see “multigrain” and think “whole grain.” That’s not necessarily so. This is an important distinction because people who eat whole grains have a lower incidence of diabetes, heart disease and cancers, and are less likely to be overweight compared with those who eat refined grains. Note that when “enriched wheat flour” is listed in the ingredients, that’s refined flour.
It’s easy to believe these foods are healthful because of labels such as “baked,” “low fat” or “gluten free.” But most are made with refined grain or starch, which provide plenty of calories and few nutrients. Popchips, for example, are a new product marketed as healthful. But the ingredients are highly refined potato flakes, starch, oil, salt and about 14 additional things. Pita chips, made with white flour, oil, salt and several more ingredients, are no better. To boot, research shows that too much refined grains and starches increases the risk for heart disease, cancers, diabetes and weight gain.
英文摘錄自:5 So-Called Health Foods You Should Avoid