Grandmother Tips http://www.behance.net/gallery/Grandmother-Tips-Vol-20/2960437
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Grandmother-Tips/198164833615185?sk=wall http://www.behance.net/gallery/Grandmother-Tips/2392946 Just a few tips that my grandmother should have given me, but unfortunately never did. http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.318416258211152.98796.125771830808930&type=1 摘錄自:[生活創意] 你阿嬤沒有告訴你的事情?(9p) http://ck101.com/thread-2161195-1-1.html 摘錄自:10 Tips for Throwing a GRAND Grandmother Shower http://www.nesting.com/experts/article/313641/10-Tips-for-Throwing-a-GRAND-Grandmother-Shower.html A shower for Grandma? Why yes! A newer trend that has been growing in popularity over the past 5 years, Grandma showers celebrate the life-changing experience of becoming a Grandma. Thrown by an intimate group of friends or co-workers, Grandma showers prove to be fun celebrations that help Grandma get started in her new role. Here are a few tips and reminders to make the celebration memorable and GRAND: http://www.trendsnow.net/2011/12/grandmother-tips.html/grandmother-tips-10 摘錄自:Installation' Amsterdam TIJI « COLOUR » – coloration par l’imagination d’un enfant http://www.juststuffifound.com/tag/animation/ http://www.juststuffifound.com/tag/photography/ ad animation apple ar architect architecture art article book cat china commercial design facebook game gay geekologie gizmodo google humor image improveverywhere installation interactive iphone life love mac movie music photography poi quote sicksadworld sign story tech ted thechive travel type typography video weheartit youtube 摘錄自:YouTube – Batelco – INFINITY http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=qvl7kG82EfI#! <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/qvl7kG82EfI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Holiday Grandmother More Details about Holiday Grandmother here. http://www.guideto.com/fashion-style/fashion-trends/style-basics/fashion-tips-for-grandmother.html Fashion movers have a tendency to forget that not all women are young and slender. Women over 40 are hardly seen in spreads (let along covers) of fashion magazines. However, just because there's a lack of attention, that doesn't mean lovely elderly ladies should look all frumpy and well, old. Here are a few tips for beautiful older women to be fashionable at their age. By Karen Li http://ezinearticles.com/?Grandmothers-12-Tips-On-Keeping-The-House-Clean&id=5742977 Keeping your house clean and tidy and dust-free is important not only for appearance and comfort, but also for your good health. Grandmother would have had a list of house rules to make house cleaning easier. Maybe we can learn from her.摘錄自:阿嬤的忠告(二)Grandmother Tips Part II
Grandmother Tips Vol 2.0
摘錄自:Tips for Grandmothers During the Holidays
摘錄自:Fashion Tips for Grandmother
摘錄自:Grandmother's 12 Tips On Keeping The House Clean
1. Always put back things in their proper place after using them.
2. Do not leave anything lying around on the floors or tables.
3. Always tidy up the bed every morning.
4. Leave the bathroom tidy after using. A quick wipe of the bath and hand basin after use makes weekly cleaning easier.
5. Put away magazines or books after reading them.
6. Wipe your feet on doormats before entering the house, making it so much easier to keep floors clean.
7. Wipe up spills immediately.
8. Hang up clean clothes immediately and put dirty clothes into laundry baskets immediately after changing.
9. Open doors and windows of living areas if weather permitting, to allow in fresh air.
10. Thoroughly clean house at least once a week, not forgetting the ceilings as well as difficult-to -reach-spots.
11. Spring cleaning once a year with the onset of the warmer spring weather is a must. These include all drawers, wardrobes, cupboards and kitchen cabinets or pantry. Give or throw away stuff that are never used or no longer useful.
12. Keep a shopping list and jot down things that has been used up and needed buying.